Saturday 25 April 2009

Grow Your Own

I've decided to grow my own veg in my garden. After registering for an allotment and being told I was on a waiting list of 350 I figured that I'd be waiting a long time for a plot. I don't have much planting area but after I was bought a book on growing veg and fruit in containers, I was inspired to have a go. Here's what I did planted last weekend:
  • 2 blueberry trees in the sunniest area
  • 1 rhubarb plant and 1 mint plant in the most shaded area
  • 4 strawberry plants in 1 balcony box
  • 1 rocket plant and lots of lettuce seeds in the other balcony box
  • 1 container with broccoli
  • 1 container with peas, broad beans and mini sweetcorn
  • 1 canvas container with leeks and the other half will have carrots. I've just planted some seeds in a seedling tray so hopefully I can plant them up when (if!) they start to grow
  • 1 canvas container with beetroot and spring onion seeds

I also have lots of small pots on my window sill containing rosemary, mini sweetcorn, cress, basil and tomato seeds. The last 3 are grown from seeds and they are already sprouting! The tomatos will be transferred to a hanging basket once they have grown substantially. The only problem, I didn't label the basil pot and the tomato pot so I'm not sure which is which but hopefully I'll be able to figure that out soon!

Already the mini sweetcorn in the container is looking as if it is a no go-er but everything else seems good so far. I'll keep you updated on how it's going but hopefully I'll save some money from wasted supermarket veg and even better, have some tasty food to harvest!

Friday 24 April 2009


I thought that I should let you know that the forum in UKScrappers has some great craft saving ideas. In particular, if you goto the Big Store Deals thread, users often post great value craft items that are on sale in the UK. It's definitely worth checking out. Furthermore, you can get loads of scrapbook ideas and browse the shops that support UKScrappers.

Thursday 16 April 2009


I've only had a beaded bracelet kit sitting in my craft bag for 4 years. It was half completed and for some reason, I thought that it was too complicated to finish. I remember thinking that the instructions were too complicated but I always remember trying to make it after a long day at work. Well, last weeken I decided to dig it out and read the instructions. And guess what, it wasn't complicated and I managed to finish it in an evening!

The motto is, always read the instructions and if you're too tired to understand them, go back when you're feeling refreshed. Everything suddenley seems perfectly clear!

I'll post a photo of the bracelet as soon as I've figured out how - as you can see. I've now figured it out!!

Tuesday 7 April 2009

First Blog

It's difficult to now where to start on your first ever blog but everyone has to start somewhere. I guess I wanted to start blogging to share with everyone the ways that I've found to save money. I also want to spread the word about crafting from home. So I suppose it is a double blog about crafts and money and if the two combine, then even better!!

I've always been interested in crafts from when I first started a Mickey Mouse tapestry on plastic canvas when I was little - I can't remember how old I was but I remembered it was a disaster but I enjoyed it anyway. Later, I did try learning how to knit when I joined a club called the Knitabugs. Does anyone remember them? After being certified as a knitter, I figured that I could knit anything and embarked upon knitting a cardigan in pink with green flecks. The time I finished one side, I had grown out of it. That was the end of my knitting career for many years!

When I was 14, I started cross stitching and this was the start of the obsession! By ex-boyfriend's mum bought a huge map of Lancashire and when I completed it I was so chuffed! They owned a pub and it went on the wall so everyone got to see it. Customers then asked me to do another and this is where money met crafts for the first time.

Since then I've tried cardmaking, scrapbooking, jewellery making, more knitting but my first love is still cross stitching. In fact, I'm now on a mission to complete all of Heritage Stitchcrafts counties of England and am well on the way with over 15 completed but still a long way to go. Considering I've been at it since 14 this is not good progress.....I might finish when I'm 120......